The Expansive Podcast

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The Expansive Podcast

One of the leading destinations in leadership and mindset, The Expansive podcast helps thousands of individuals and organisations reframe their focus and redefine success. Tune in for weekly episodes on business strategy, creative problem-solving, personal development and much more. Expand your horizons, broaden your mind, and get ready to become Expansive.

The Expansive Podcast | Erik Kruger

Listen to Erik deliver masterclasses on

This Podcast Is For You If:

You’re in a leadership position, an executive or an entrepreneur hungry for new perspectives and edgy insights delivered in easy-to-digest podcast episodes. Get inspired, get motivated, and start thinking big about embracing new possibilities.

The Expansive Podcast | Erik Kruger
Erik Kruger | The Expansive Podcast


Erik Kruger

Global keynote speaker, best-selling author and leadership expert, Erik works with countless organisations to help them cultivate top-down leadership strategies for successful team management.

John Sanei | The Expansive Podcast


John Sanei

International keynote speaker, multiple best-selling author and future strategist, John works with organisations, governments and educational institutions to help them adapt technology and develop strategies for the future of work and education.

What listeners say

Exceptional words, insights and thoughts I listen to the podcasts every week while travelling. I have found many meaningful content from you guys and I feel as if I know you, although we have never met. The topics have taught me ways to cope with various situations as I am in business myself. Thanks for the great stories every week, looking forward to many more episodes!


What listeners say

Love it! I really enjoy listing to The Expansive podcast and highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for practical insights, essential business and lifestyle tools, and a dose of positive energy and motivation. I find an excellent resource to help improve my personal and professional life and also an excellent way to feel inspired.


What listeners say

Highly recommend! I can't recommend this podcast highly enough. Each week I find myself checking for the new episode and when it's there, I listen immediately. John and Erik are both brilliant speakers and they share invaluable wisdom that really makes you think differently. Thank you both so much! I look forward to many more episodes.




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